Postural Massage Courses

Postural Massage Courses


Orthopedic Massage Course for Breathing & Spine Mobility

Diagnose muscle tension focusing on cervical dynamics

Diagnose muscle tension focusing on cervical dynamics

Introduction: Orthopedic Massage for Breathing &  Spinal Mobility

The course is a specialized training program designed for therapists who want to master techniques that enhance spinal mobility and improve respiratory function.

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the spine’s structure and the dynamics of its joints and movements. Participants will gain hands-on experience in practical techniques essential for treating various conditions, including back pain, thoracic discomfort, and issues related to cervical spine health.

The course is conducted in a small school group setting with a maximum of 7 students per class, ensuring personalized instruction and effective learning outcomes.

Boost thoracic mobility via scapulae upward rotation

Boost thoracic mobility via scapulae upward rotation

Understanding Joint Structure and Practical Orthopedic Massage Techniques

In this section, participants will delve into the detailed anatomy and biomechanics of the spine’s major joints: facet joints, atlanto-occipital joint, atlantoaxial joint, costovertebral joints, costotransverse joints, and uncovertebral joints.

Understanding these joints is crucial for implementing effective orthopedic massage techniques. The course covers trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, myofascial release, safe spinal mobilization techniques, and HVLA (High-Velocity Low-Amplitude) manipulations.

These methods are essential for addressing sustained muscle elongation and preventing the exacerbation of spinal conditions, thereby optimizing spinal mobility and function.

Deep spine structure knowledge enhances professional skills

Deep spine structure knowledge enhances professional skills

Enhancing Sports Performance and Rehabilitation

Optimal spinal mobility is critical in both sports performance and rehabilitation contexts.

Restrictions in spinal movement can lead to compensatory patterns, resulting in pain and increased risk of injury in areas such as the shoulders and lumbar spine. 

Our practical spine mobilization massage not only aid in injury prevention but also enhance athletic performance and improve posture, contributing to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Balance ball techniques clarify the spine's neutral position

Balance ball techniques clarify the spine's neutral position

Respiratory Function and Postural Improvement

Improving respiratory function is a key component of this course. Participants learn techniques to enhance thoracic mobility and respiratory muscle function, including specific stretches and exercises aimed at optimizing breathing mechanics. The course emphasizes assessing thoracic movement using tools such as diaphragm area assessment and rib cage flare evaluation. These methods help in understanding respiratory muscle function and the efficiency of breathing.

Proper posture is crucial for efficient respiration, impacting daily activities and sleep quality. The course focuses on correcting postural imbalances to enhance respiratory function, enabling participants to support their clients in achieving better physical health outcomes, particularly in daily functionality and overall well-being.

Students learn how to mobilize the spine for postural correction

Students learn how to mobilize the spine for postural correction

The Impact of Abdominal Muscles on Lumbar Spine Dynamics

This course also explores the role of abdominal muscles in lumbar spine dynamics. It examines how factors like obesity and pregnancy shift the center of gravity forward, impacting the lumbar spine’s alignment and function. Such shifts can increase the load on the lumbar spine, leading to postural issues and pain.

Participants will learn specific massage techniques and spinal mobility exercises to address these challenges, focusing on strengthening the abdominal wall and improving core stability to optimize lumbar spine function.

Enhance spinal extension with upward scapula rotation

Enhance spinal extension with upward scapula rotation

Safe and Effective Protocols for a Massage Therapist

Participants will engage with advanced educational tools, including anatomical models, high-resolution imagery, and specialized applications designed for medical professionals. These resources, drawing on over 25 years of clinical experience and insights from anatomical studies at Chiang Mai University’s Faculty of Medicine, provide a comprehensive learning experience.

This orthopedic approach ensures that therapists, regardless of their experience level, can refine their skills and apply evidence-based techniques effectively in their practice.

Spine Biomechanics

Spine Biomechanics

5. Practical Anatomy and Educational Tools

Participants will engage with advanced educational tools, including anatomical models, high-resolution imagery, and specialized applications designed for medical professionals. These resources, drawing on over 25 years of clinical experience and insights from anatomical studies at Chiang Mai University’s Faculty of Medicine, provide a comprehensive learning experience. This holistic approach ensures that therapists, regardless of their experience level, can refine their skills and apply evidence-based techniques effectively in their practice.

Schedule and Course Fee

THB 6,000Baht
(approx. EUR 158 / USD 177)

- 2-Day Intensive Course, Saturday & Sunday
- Training 10:00-12:00 / 13:00-15:00
- ( Total Duration: 8 hours )

Respiratory massage and VO2 Max

Respiratory massage and VO2 Max

 Utilizing Mobile Health Applications for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Monitoring

This course introduces participants to mobile healthcare applications commonly used on devices like iPhones and Androids. These apps are valuable tools for tracking and analyzing key indicators such as heart rate, breathing rate, and VO2 max. By using these applications, participants can gain insights into respiratory health and cardiovascular fitness improvements. The data provided by these tools help in monitoring clients’ progress and tailoring interventions to enhance overall health outcomes.

This integration of technology into healthcare practices offers a modern, data-driven approach to managing and improving respiratory and cardiovascular health.

Pain release at Upper Gluteus Maximus and Piriformis

Pain release at Upper Gluteus Maximus and Piriformis

Enhancing Professional Skills

By the end of the course, therapists will have gained advanced knowledge and practical skills in spine mobility massage. This expertise not only enhances their professional repertoire but also enables them to provide more effective, satisfying treatments to their clients.

The course is designed not just as a learning experience but as a transformative journey towards becoming a more skilled, knowledgeable, and effective massage therapist, capable of addressing a wide range of spinal mobility issues with confidence and competence.  

RSM International Academy | Hironori Ikeda